“每一个W&J graduate will not only be exceptionally well prepared for professional success, but also recognized as a leader committed to the highest standards of ethics and capable of addressing complex challenges facing today’s organizations and society.——约翰·C·肯尼迪. 克纳普,Ph值.D.

This promise is at the heart of the College’s new strategic plan, Juncta Juvant, 旨在加强四年的W&J experience by equipping all 学生 with distinctive qualities that are highly valued by today’s leading employers and graduate schools.

在最近的18个月里,华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件 community worked collaboratively to develop strategies to ensure that the College continues to be at the forefront of liberal arts education at a time of changing demographics, 生源竞争加剧, and greater public skepticism about the value of higher education. The plan was approved by the 校董会 in October and work is well under way to implement new curricular and cocurricular initiatives.

规划过程涉及研究小组, 多个学院选区的调查, 公开校园反馈会议, 详尽的自学, 以及Art进行的广泛的市场分析 & Science Group, LLC, a leading research firm serving higher education. The work aimed to significantly enhance and further differentiate the W&经历在小的时候, 住宅, undergraduate colleges face a long-term decline in the number of 18-year-olds in America, 以及确保研究生成果的更大压力.

“Our new strategic direction establishes a comprehensive approach to continuous improvement for greater success in attracting, 保留, and graduating talented 学生 who will be leaders in their careers and communities,纳普说. “This plan also recognizes that in order for our 学生 to realize their full potential, we must do more to fully support the success of all members of the W&J社区,包括澳门葡京博彩软件的教职员工和校友.”

显著, 校园改造工作已经开始, including beautifully renovated residence halls and the gymnasium, 最先进的健身中心, 还有一个新的露天露天剧场. The College has also adopted a more participatory decision-making process and greatly improved marketing and communications, 包括一个新网站.

These and other initiatives are based on three foundational commitments:


“Every student will achieve professional readiness and prepare for a fulfilling life through an innovative four-year learning experience, 以优秀教学为指导, 全面的建议和指导, 道德领导发展.”

教师 are at work developing a curricular approach to ensure that every student’s personalized program of study provides a balance of professional preparation and broader intellectual challenge. Another cross-functional team is developing a plan to integrate academic advising with professional/career planning beginning at matriculation and continuing until graduation.

A new Center for Leadership and Ethics will serve as the hub of an interdisciplinary program to provide all 学生 with four years of leadership development in areas like conflict resolution, 协作解决问题, 职业道德, 等.

The College is also exploring new opportunities to claim the advantages of Pittsburgh for our 学生. These could include strategic partnerships and other ways to enhance W&J在这个城市的存在是为了支持实习, 职业发展, 校友参与, 以及学术项目.


“澳门葡京博彩软件将培养和培育积极分子。 participation of community members in decision-making to ensure the success of the College.”

The strategic planning process was a highly collaborative method of decision-making involving faculty, staff, 学生, 校友, 和受托人. 例如, six subcommittees involved more than 90 volunteers who studied issues and produced white papers. By learning together and considering a wide range of ideas and perspectives, the College community became better informed and developed consensus on future priorities.

New initiatives are being designed to continue this approach to shared governance. One example of this is a college-wide budget committee to provide transparency and informed input on the allocation of resources. This committee includes faculty, administrators, staff, and 学生.


“澳门葡京博彩软件将培养一种支持, 多元文化,所有社区成员都受到重视, 包括, 并且能够充分发挥他们的潜力.”

We recognize that we must strive to become a more welcoming and visibly diverse community every year, increasingly reflecting the demographics of the region and nation. The College recently welcomed a new class of freshmen comprising more racial and ethnic diversity than ever before. This is not surprising since the under-18 population in America is now a majority-minority population, where members of traditionally under-represented groups outnumber the historically Caucasian majority. The diversity of the college-going population will continue to increase year after year, 并计划做出新的努力,以确保W&J准备为所有人口群体提供同等的服务.

Ensuring the success of our 学生 also means providing greater financial assistance. At a time when the number of first-generation college 学生 is increasing and families are less likely to have college savings, W&J must work to increase endowed resources to support financial aid and scholarships.